“Discover Aikido” is open to adults (and teens) new to the practice of aikido. For a full description of this offer, please read the webpage: https://www.multnomahaikikai.com/new-student-offer.Choose any two aikido classes per week for six weeks:Mon. 6-7pmWed. 6-7pmSat. 10:30-11:30amThese are core classes of our regular weekly schedule. Registrants may change their class days, week to week through the six-week period, among these three class periods. During this trial period registrants may not attend other classes on our schedule.A gi (uniform) is not required during the six-week period, however students who would like to purchase a gi are eligible to receive a discount code to use via our online store.Registrants must sign a waiver form, agree to our health protocols, promise to stay home when sick, practice dojo etiquette and courtesy toward other students.All students must provide an email address that they check regularly.Registrants pay a one-time, non refundable fee of $120 by EFT (bank account draw) before starting class through our registration page. Students who complete the six-week trial period may convert to a Regular Membership at the rate of $134 per month (prorated if shifting mid-month). As a Regular Member, you may attend all classes on the weekly schedule (except for advanced class). Regular Members are invited to our Dojo Online portal and become eligible for iaido class.Note that the "first installment" referenced below is the only installment. There is just one flat fee of $120 for this offer. Your 6-week trial begins the day you register. Register and begin any time before April 30th. Your last class will be six weeks from the day you register.